Journal Publications
Mehdi Lamssali, Stephanie Luster-Teasley, Dongyang Deng*, Nafisa Sirelkhatim, Yen Doan, Mosarrat Samiha Kabir, Qingan Zeng. "Release Efficiencies of Potassium Permanganate Controlled-Release Biodegradable Polymer (CRBP) Pellets Embedded in Polyvinyl Acetate (CRBP-PVAc) And Polyethylene Oxide (CRBP-PEO) for Groundwater Treatment." Heliyon 9(10), October 2023, e20858. (Impact Factor:4)
Shobha Mantripragada, Dongyang Deng*, and Lifeng Zhang*, Algae-Enhanced Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibrous Membrane for High-Performance Short-Chain PFAS Remediation from Water. Nanomaterials 13 (19), 2646. (Impact factor:5.3)
Philip Agbo, Abhijeet Mali, Dongyang Deng*, Lifeng Zhang, Bio-Oil-Based Epoxy Resins from Thermochemical Processing of Sustainable Resources: A Short Review. Journal of Composites Science 7(9), 374. (Impact factor:3.67)
Ahmed, M.; Anwar, R.; Deng, Dongyang; Garner, E.; Lin, L.-S. J. M. (2021) Functional Interrelationships of Microorganisms in Iron-Based Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment. Microorganisms 9(5), 1039. (Impact factor:4.926)
Mantripragada, S.; Deng, Dongyang*; Zhang, L. J. C. (2021) Remediation of GenX from water by amidoxime surface-functionalized electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous adsorbent. Chemosphere, 131235. (Impact factor:8.943)
Deng, Dongyang; Lian-shin Lin; Andrea, Ofori-Boadu, Hydro Science & Marine Engineering (2020) Stream Monitoring and Preliminary Co-Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage and Municipal Wastewater along Dunkard Creek
Deng, Dongyang; Lamssali, M.; Aryal, N.; Ofori‐Boadu, A.; Jha, M. K.; Samuel, R. E. Water Environment Research (2020) Textiles wastewater treatment technology: A review. (Impact factor:3.306)
Deng, Dongyang; Zhang, L.; Dong, M.; Samuel, R.; Ofori‐Boadu, A.; Lamssali, M. Water Environment Research (2020) Radioactive Waste: A Review. (Impact factor:3.306)
N Aryal, J Wood, I Rijal, Dongyang Deng, MK Jha, A Ofori Boadu (2020) “Fate of Environmental Pollutants: A review”, Water Environment Research, (Impact factor:3.306)
Shobha Mantripragada, Dongyang Deng, Lifeng Zhang (2020). (Oil absorption capability of electrospun carbon nanofibrous membranes having porous and hollow nanostructures). pp. 127069 ). Materials Letters. (Impact factor:3.574)
Monitoring, sampling, and automated analysis, N Aryal, Dongyang Deng, MK Jha, A Ofori-Boadu, Water Environment Research 91 (10), 1288-1293. (Impact factor:3.306)
Andrea Ofori-Boadu, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Jacob Vanderpool, Dongyang Deng, “Nascent Professional Identity Development in Freshman Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Women”, 2020 ASEE annual conference exposition, paper ID#28787
Andrea Ofori-Boadu, Dongyang Deng, Stevens, C., Gore, K., and Borders-Taylor, I. (2019). Learning Experiences and Self-efficacy of Minority Middle-School Girls during a ‘Bio-char Modified Cement Paste’ Research Program at an HBCU. 2019 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference
Dongyang Deng, Niroj Aryal, Andrea Ofori-Boadu, Manoj K Jha “Textiles Wastewater Treatment”, Water Environment Research, Volume 90, page 1648-1662, (Impact factor:3.306)
Dongyang Deng, Oliver Lin, Alex Rubenstein, Jennifer L. Weidhaas, and Lian-Shin Lin, “Elucidating biogeochemical transformations of Fe and S in an innovative iron-dosed anaerobic wastewater treatment process using spectroscopic and phylogenetic analyses", Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 358, Pages 1208-1217, (Impact factor:16.744)
Dongyang Deng, Lian-Shin Lin, “Continuous sulfidogenic wastewater treatment with iron sulfide sludge oxidation and recycle", Water Research, Volume 114, page 210-217 ISSN 0043-1354, (Impact factor:13.4)
Dongyang Deng, Jennifer L. Weidhaas, Lian-Shin Lin, "Kinetics and microbial ecology of batch sulfidogenic bioreactors for co-treatment of municipal wastewater and acid mine drainage", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 305, 15 March 2016, Pages 200-208; (Impact factor:14.224)
Dongyang Deng, Lian-shin Lin, "Two-stage combined treatment of acid mine drainage and municipal wastewater", Water Science and Technology, Volume 67, Issue 5, February 2013, Pages 1000-1007; DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.653 (Impact factor:2.43)
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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing